South Africa: German embassy counters Russian lie – politics abroad

Undiplomatic but true!

In South Africa, the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany takes on a lying tweet from the Russian representation.

The Russian embassy thanked the alleged support of many South Africans for Putin’s Ukraine invasion, repeating the propaganda justification that the bloody war of aggression was about a fight against Nazis.

︎ Under a Russian and a South African flag, the Russians wrote: “Dear subscribers, we have received a large number of letters of solidarity from South Africans, both from individuals and from organizations. We appreciate your support and are glad you decided to stand with us today when Russia fights Nazism in Ukraine like it did 80 years ago!”

︎ The German representation in Pretoria didn’t just let that stand.

“Sorry, but we cannot remain silent here, that’s just too cynical,” wrote the diplomatic representatives. “What Russia is doing in Ukraine is slaughtering innocent children, women and men for their own gain. It’s definitely not ‘fighting the Nazis’. Shame on anyone who falls for it.”

And in brackets, an important addition that showed historical sensitivity and a pinch of self-mockery: “Unfortunately, we’re kind of experts when it comes to Nazism.”

The Russian initial post had apparently received some encouragement and was liked by more than 13,600 users (as of Saturday, 10 p.m.). However, the counterattack by the German diplomats was received much better, already had 34,000 hearts – and the trend is rapidly increasing.

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