Souping fasting trend: why everyone is sipping soup now

Souping: Why is everyone sipping soup now

Nutritious and healthy – bone broth is currently experiencing a revival.

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Soups are food for the soul. Not only do they warm you from the inside, they also contain many valuable nutrients. And they help with detoxification. What is behind the Souping fasting trend?

It girl Valentina Belleza spooned, you could say, ahead. Then friend and “Bad Mom” ​​sidekick Bonnie Strange got on board. For a week, the two recently cooked their own soup, made it their main meal – and fasted. On Instagram, they let their community participate in the cure. The two copied the idea from Hollywood. Soup fasting, also known as “souping”, has been practiced there for some time. The soup cleanse is the more relaxed counterpart to the juice cleanse and is also said to be healthier. But does Souping live up to its promises?

Souping was invented by Angela Blatteis and Vivienne Vella. The entrepreneurs run a shop with organic products in Los Angeles. These should not only contribute to a balanced diet, but also heal from within. Detox is the keyword. At least since US stars like Gwyneth Paltrow swear by souping, a trend has developed that is now increasingly spilling over to Europe.

Detox with soups

The implementation is ridiculously simple and variable. All meals are replaced with soups. The period of the cleanse can be one or more days. The ingredients of the soup are important. It goes without saying that ready-made soups with artificial additives should not be used. That would take the souping cleanse ad absurdum. All types of vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts and also spices such as coriander, turmeric and ginger are allowed in.

One of the most popular souping dishes is an old friend: bone broth. In New York, where the broth is called “Bone Broth,” it’s been celebrated for some time as if it were the greatest innovation since sliced ​​bread. The broth is now sold as a superfood in so-called “broth bars”, which specialize in quick sips. The broth is said to have miracle properties for health. It should not only be good for digestion and the immune system, but also good for the bones. It is prepared from bones, for example chicken and beef, vegetables and spices – so very classic. The cooking time is important. The broth has to simmer for up to 24 hours in order for the tendons and cartilage to decompose and the bone marrow to be released. But it is also full of amino acids and collagen.

In any case, soups contain a lot of vitamins, fiber and minerals, but few unhealthy fats (you should also avoid a dash of cream when preparing them) and, above all, there is less sugar in the soups than in juices, for example. These sometimes come with a lot of fructose. Since ingredients such as nuts and legumes are also processed during souping, nutrients can be better absorbed by the body – another advantage. Purification and detoxification is the focus of souping, a possible weight loss is only a side effect.


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