Sound theft or creative recycling? – Culture

This is a legal dispute that has been bothering the judiciary for more than a quarter of a century, said Thomas Koch, Chairman of the Senate at the Federal Court of Justice (BGH). And in fact, the legal fan community has long since gotten used to the endless Guinness book-worthy trial between Ralf Hütter, a founding member of the group power plant, and producer Moses Pelham just keeps going. “Only me” was the name of the contested song by Sabrina Setlur, Pelham got the beat from a wonderfully cold two-second sequence from the power plant-piece “Metal on Metal” sampled. Or stolen, as Hütter said, which is why he went to court in 1998. Since then, the process has gone through an unprecedented ups and downs through the courts, including the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice (ECJ). This was the fifth time at the BGH alone.

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