Sophie von Wessex: She helped out at the vaccination center on her birthday

Sophia of Wessex
She helped out at the vaccination center on her birthday

Sophie von Wessex has campaigned several times for the corona vaccination.

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Sophie von Wessex spent part of her birthday helping out at a vaccination centre.

Sophie von Wessex (57), wife of Prince Edward (57), celebrated her birthday on Thursday. As the Royal Family writes on Instagram, among other things, Sophie helped in a vaccination center on her day of honor. The Royals published several pictures on their official account, showing the Countess of Wessex at work.

A bouquet of flowers for a birthday

Among other things, Sophie spent the morning greeting citizens at the facility and taking care of those who picked up their spades. The 57-year-old has been the organization’s Grand President since 2004 and has helped out before. She is one of around 12,000 volunteers in the UK working in National Health Service (NHS) vaccination centres.

Sophie also exchanged experiences with some other volunteers. And after her shift, she received a bouquet of flowers for her birthday. Sophie von Wessex has been married to Prince Edward, the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II (95), since 1999.


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