Sophia Thiel: Coronavirus caught her “really hard”

Sophia Thiel
Coronavirus caught her “really hard”

Sophia Thiel is currently in quarantine due to a corona infection.

© imago images / Future Image

The well-known German influencer Sophia Thiel was infected with the corona virus. It got them “really hard”.

In the past few days, it was quite quiet on Instagram about Sophia Thiel (26). The influencer also revealed the reason for this to her around 1.3 million followers on January 9th: she was infected with the corona virus. The 26-year-old and her boyfriend Raphael had to break off their vacation last Wednesday “and I am now at home with Corona”, she explains in her stories. Even though she had already received a booster vaccination, she “got it really hard”.

Sophia Thiel could sometimes “not speak properly”

Her symptoms therefore include “sore throat, cough, body aches – the full package”. On Wednesday and Thursday it was particularly bad, but today she feels “only slightly better”. Your illness is “really persistent”. Thiel was sometimes so hoarse that she could “not speak properly”. She is currently in quarantine. Both a quick test and a PCR test on her friend were still negative today, but he also slowly had symptoms.

Thiel explains further: “I have become a bit reckless with vaccinations and boosters.” She thought that nothing could happen to her. That’s why she appeals to her fans: “Disinfect your hands, wear your mask, take care of yourself.”


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