Soon less than 8,000 hospitalized patients

The number of hospitalized Covid-19 patients continued to drop this Friday the day before the weekend on vacation. Hospitals had 8,044 coronavirus patients, including 1,123 in critical care, indicates Public Health France. They were 8,232 the day before, including 1,162 in critical care and 9,190 seven days before, including 1,389 in critical care.

In the last twenty-four hours, 118 patients entered the hospital and 17 patients were admitted to critical care, reserved for the most seriously ill. Twenty-four people have died from Covid-19, bringing the total number of deaths to 111,164 since the start of the epidemic in early 2020, including 84,691 in hospital.

Possibility of being vaccinated in two centers

To avoid renewed hospital pressure within a few weeks, fueled by the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant, the health authorities are counting, among other things, on vaccination. The Minister of Health Olivier Véran thus announced Friday a relaxation of the framework of the vaccination: from Monday, the candidates for the vaccination will be able to make an appointment for two injections in two different places, “including in the zones of holidays where you would have to go ”, he declared during a trip to Villeneuve-la-Garenne (Hauts-de-Seine).

Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, more than a third of French people have a complete vaccination schedule: 23,839. 666 people, or 35.4% of the total population. And 34,329,183 people received at least one injection: 50.9% of the total population.

Regarding contamination, 2,683 new cases have been detected over the last twenty-four hours. The positivity rate, which represents the number of positive tests compared to all tests performed, remains low at 0.8% over the last seven days.

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