Soon financial incentives and a platform for carpoolers

Dedicated lanes with a weird sign… and soon financial aid. Like most French metropolises, Strasbourg seeks to encourage carpooling. With therefore a significant advantage, this aid to the wallet of its users.

“We have seen with other examples elsewhere that this type of incentive was necessary at the start, otherwise it would not work,” explains Alain Jund, the vice-president of the Eurométropole in charge of mobility. “At around two euros per liter of fuel, people who travel several tens of kilometers to go to work must find an answer. Especially since there are on average 1.3 people per vehicle…”

In order to fill them, the Alsatian metropolitan area will therefore launch a platform “in mid-November”. Its name is not yet known but it is on it that the connection between passengers and drivers will take place. Then everyone will win: the first will pay nothing while the second will be rewarded according to the number of kilometers traveled.

“From 5 to 15 km, the driver will receive assistance of 1.50 euros per journey and per passenger; between 15 and 50 km, it will be 10 cents extra per kilometer. Nothing beyond 50 km, and nothing below 5 km,” explains the elected official, who also wants to prevent bicycles, buses and trams from being neglected. “It’s really a painstaking effort to enable people who don’t have access to public transport to share their car or get into someone else’s car. »

“A monthly ceiling of 150 euros”

With, according to quick calculations, up to 5 euros per trip for drivers. “Please note, there will be a monthly ceiling of 150 euros,” Alain Jund quickly clarifies, adding that “logistics in relation to fraud” will also be put in place. The budget is not unlimited: the Eurométropole has planned a total of 200,000 euros for the two years that the experiment will last. State aid is also planned, like perhaps that of other surrounding intercommunalities.

By mid-November, the Strasbourg metropolitan area is working on “organized routes”, which should lead to the main activity areas outside the city center. Like the Illkirch-Graffenstaden innovation park, the European business area in Schiltigheim etc. Enough to possibly create new reflexes among motorists…

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