Sony Playstation 5: Every owner should know these tips and tricks

Game console
Every owner of a Playstation 5 should know these ten tips

The new Playstation 5, or PS5 for short, from Sony

© Malte Mansholt / stern

The Playstation 5 has a lot to offer. But not every feature is self-evident. With these ten tricks you will have more fun with the new console.

The Playstation 5 is a great piece of technology – and was also able to fully convince in our test. But many functions are hidden a little better than they should be. With the ten tips and tricks below, you can have even more fun with little effort.

Transferring data

If you already own a Playstation 4, you can treat the PS5 as a seamless sequel. If you log into your Playstation account, you not only have all the trophies with you – you can virtually clone the entire console, including games and savegames. This is offered during setup, otherwise the option can be found in the settings under “System”, System update “and” Data transfer. “The fastest transfer is via Ethernet cable, but those who want can also access the data via WiFi It takes time, however. Incidentally, the saved statuses can also be pulled directly from the cloud using a USB stick or as a PS Plus subscriber.

Am I really playing the right version?

The selection of exclusive PS5 titles is still limited, and many of the games are also being released for the PS4. But be careful: If you accidentally install the version for the old console, many of the optimizations for the PS5 are lost – and numerous games run with fewer details or a slower frame rate. This can happen: The Playstation does not automatically install the correct version.

To ensure that the correct version is installed, all you have to do is watch the game icon on the home screen. If “PS4” is next to it, it is the old version. The optimized version can be loaded by selecting the game in the library and pressing the options key.

Don’t miss Astro!

But everyone has one of the most fun games for the PS5: Astro’s Playroom is actually a promotional game for the possibilities of the new DualSense controller. But behind this hides a surprisingly good and also quite demanding game. If you liked Mario and Co., you will almost certainly have fun. Everyone else should at least try it out.

Full control

The DualSense controller is the secret star of the console anyway. But as cool as the differentiated vibrations and the resistance of the keys feel – not everyone likes them equally. It’s good that you can easily change it. In the settings under “Accessories” and “Controller”, the vibration and the trigger effect can be adjusted or even switched off completely.

Switched off

As a Playstation 4 or Xbox user, switching off the new console is unintuitive. If you hold down the PS button as usual, you don’t end up in the quick menu – but on the home screen. However, there is no option to switch off there. Instead, it is sufficient to briefly press the button once. In the quick menu that then appears, the switch-off options are located on the far right.

Save memory

The built-in hard drive is full too quickly thanks to the steadily growing number of games. But it’s even faster because Sony has activated a real memory hog from the factory: a small video clip is saved for each trophy. This can be deactivated under “Recordings and transfers” in the settings and, if desired, a screenshot can be created instead.

More immersion

If you regularly gamble with headphones, you can turn on an even more immersive gaming experience on the PS5. The Tempest 3D audio technology makes it possible to equip even simple headphones with surround sound. To do this, you have to select the option “Activate 3D audio” in the settings under “Sound”. Then you can adjust the “height” of the noises in the room in five steps so that it feels most natural.

Play the way I like them

If you like to change the settings when playing games, you can save yourself a lot of work with the PS5. For the first time, general preferences can be set, which then apply to almost all games. For example, you can increase or decrease the level of difficulty by default. To do this, select “Saved data and game / app settings” in the settings and then “Game preferences”. In addition to the level of difficulty, the standard language for games or the decision for the performance or resolution mode can also be preset there. Great: Game spoilers in the menu tiles can also be turned off here. Unfortunately, this only works for PS games.

From the couch to bed

As with the PS4, you are not tied to the TV with the new PS5 either. With the “PS Remote Play” app it is also possible to stream the games to a smartphone, tablet or computer. To do this, load the app and link the console via “System” and “Remote Play”. The transmission also works on the move, but it is better to be on the same WiFi network.

Detoxify quick menu

Not everyone needs every option in the quick menu that can be reached by briefly tapping the PS button. It’s good that they can be adjusted. To do this, tap the options button when the quick menu is open. You can already deselect or add some apps. However, the most important functions such as the shutdown menu cannot be removed.

How long have i been playing?

If you have always wondered how much time you really spend on your hobby, you will get the hard truth in the library: Next to each game you will find how much playing time you have invested in it. So with some you don’t want to look too closely.

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