Song Contest: Ukrainian band believes in ESC 2023 in their country if they win

song contest
Ukrainian band believes if they win at ESC 2023 in their country

The Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra together with Malik Harris (M) from Germany at the reception of the German Embassy before the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC). Photo: Jens Büttner/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

An international music competition held in the Ukraine sounds impossible at the moment. The Ukrainian ESC participants firmly believe in 2023 – if they win.

The Ukrainian band participating in the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC), Kalush Orchestra, believes that if they win, the 2023 competition will be held in their currently war-torn country.

“If we happen to win the Eurovision Song Contest, it will take place in Ukraine next year,” said rapper Oleh Psjuk on Thursday at an event hosted by the German embassy in Turin. It doesn’t matter in which city of his country the ESC takes place – the main thing is in a happy, rebuilt Ukraine.

According to bookmakers, the band from the country at war, which was attacked by Russia at the end of February, is the favorite for first place at this year’s 66th edition of the pop competition in Turin. The musicians have already declared on social media that they want to auction off the winning statue for charity if they win.

The ESC organizers of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) have not yet played through the scenario of a possible Ukraine win. After the ESC, talks will be held with the broadcasting partner of the winning country, whoever that is, ESC boss Österdahl said at a press conference on Wednesday.

Germany’s representative Malik Harris also appeared at the embassy event with his ESC contribution “Rockstars”. Then he and the Kalush Orchestra sang the Ukrainian ESC song “Stefania” together. “It’s great to be on stage with you guys,” Harris said.


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