Solidarity rally in Dachau for women in Iran – Dachau

District of Dachau:“For the longing for a normal life”

District of Dachau: With the slogan "Women.  Life.  freedom" supporters on Schrannenplatz in Dachau express their solidarity with women in Iran on a banner.

With the slogan “Women. Life. Freedom” on a banner, supporters on Schrannenplatz in Dachau express their solidarity with women in Iran.

(Photo: Toni Heigl)

By Carlotta Böttcher, Dachau

“For my sister, your sister and our sisters. For changing these rusty minds. For the shame, for the poverty. For the longing for a normal life.” The words of the Iranian singer Shervin Hajipour sound from a loudspeaker across the square in front of the Dachau Kulturschranne. Despite the bitter cold and light snowfall, a group of people, organized by Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, came together on Friday afternoon to show their solidarity with women in Iran in the old town of Dachau. Among them are representatives of the Volt party, the Dachau pier, the Jusos and the women’s union. Martin Modlinger (Greens) from the Dachau pier emphasizes how important it is to show solidarity and “that it makes a difference whether we are here or not”. Despite Internet censorship, the images from Dachau arrived in Iran and let the people there know that they are not alone. The member of parliament Beate Walter-Rosenheimer from the Greens explains that her party supports an immediate stop of deportations to Iran and for more protection of Iranian women.

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