Sold near a school, “quéquettes” waffles are not to everyone’s taste

Waffles in the shape of “quéquettes” and “foufounes”, covered with toppings or chocolate. This is what a funny pastry shop that opened its doors at the beginning of December in Angers offers. A concept already present in several cities of France but which does not please some parents of the City of King René.
A petition entitled “Protect our children from pornography” and addressed to the mayor of Angers Christophe Béchu (DVD), has already collected more than 650 signatures.

100 meters from the Sacré-Coeur school

Opponents denounce in particular the fact that this brand of daring sweets is installed in the city center, “less than 100 meters from the private school and high school of the Sacré-Coeur”. They now hope for the intervention of the town hall, arguing that “the sale or making available to the public of objects of a pornographic nature” is prohibited within 200 meters of a school.

Asked by the Parisian, the municipality does not seem at all ready to accede to this request. Believing that “pornography is wreaking havoc on children”, the petitioners do not exclude filing an appeal in court.

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