Solar system: Saturn’s rings almost invisible to astronomical observation

The rings of the gas planet Saturn can still be clearly observed, especially in 2023. However points out the American space agency NASAthat the visibility cycle of the ring system will soon change. The rings can then only be seen from Earth with a good telescope. In about 18 months they will have almost completely disappeared for us earthlings.

We then look sideways at Saturn. In the best case, the rings can still be seen as narrow lines. The ring system extends over around 140,000 kilometers in diameter. The thickness of the rings is just 90 to 400 meters. If you look closely at the side of the planet – as will be the case from 2025 – it looks as if you are looking at a piece of paper from the side at the planet’s equator.

The visibility of Saturn’s rings

Currently it is Inclination of the ring system to the Earth-Saturn visual axis almost nine degrees. In 2024 it will still be almost 3.7 degrees. In 18 months, i.e. 2025, it should reach zero degrees. The ring planet will then hardly differ from the other planets. The visibility of the rings will then increase again. The maximum inclination of 27 degrees should be reached by 2032.

In about 300 million years, Saturn’s rings will probably have largely disintegrated. The perspective no longer plays a role. The planet’s moons gradually suck up the matter during their orbit at night. And Saturn has many satellites; with 145 confirmed natural satellites in our solar system, it is the king of the moons. Whether it is a real gas giant is still being debated in the astronomical world.

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