Söder sees “corona drama” – state parliament approves tightening

Furthermore, the number of corona infections in Bavaria is high: Nationwide, the Robert Koch Institute gave the seven-day incidence on Tuesday at 644.9. Ten Bavarian districts had an incidence greater than 1,000. According to Söder, the corona incidence in unvaccinated people in the Free State is over 1,000, in vaccinated people over 100.

Schulze: At Söder, “it’s always the other’s fault”

The Bavarian Green parliamentary group leader Katharina Schulze sharply criticized Söder and the state government. “It’s always the other’s fault for them,” she told the Prime Minister. Bavaria’s corona balance sheet stands for itself, Söder lacks “even a spark” of self-criticism. According to Schulze, it is not true that the latest dynamic was unpredictable. “Confidence in the state’s ability to act has been massively shaken again in the past few weeks.” There was also no concerted information campaign for vaccination in Bavaria.

“We are worse off in autumn 2021 than in autumn 2020,” said Schulze. In view of the current situation, according to the Greens parliamentary group leader, the following applies again to adults: reduce contacts, flatten the infection curve. For the Greens of the Landtag, the new measures in Bavaria do not go far enough: Schulze called, among other things, to bring the Bundeswehr to the clinics for support and to carry out PCR pool tests across the board in Corona hotspots. She also advocated regular free PCR testing for vaccinated people.

SPD supports measures, AfD against compulsory vaccination

From the point of view of the state parliament SPD, the tightened measures are urgently needed from Wednesday. The situation has been extremely serious and action must be taken now, said parliamentary group leader Florian von Brunn. He also accused the state government of acting too late: the Bavarian Ethics Council, which the state government itself set up, warned in June against being surprised by foreseeable developments in the autumn. He attested Söder to “political dazzling and ego trips”: shoving responsibility to Berlin was shabby. A broad vaccination campaign is now needed in Bavaria, von Brunn demanded.

The Bavarian AfD parliamentary group leader Christian Klingen attacked the state government especially because of the considerations about mandatory vaccination. Not so long ago such a theory was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. According to Klingen, the emergency in hospitals and the health system has been known for decades. His accusation to the state government: In order to distract from your own failure, you are now resorting to blame.

FDP partially supports measures – warn cruisers and Streibl

Vaccination is “not an emergency instrument for the fourth wave,” said FDP parliamentary group leader Martin Hagen. Therefore, new restrictions are inevitable because the clinics are threatened with overload. The hospital system is less prepared for the fourth corona wave than for the waves before it. However, the FDP rejects blanket closings, as does the ban on Christmas markets.

The coalition partners CSU and Free Voters rejected criticism of their course. Unfortunately, the restrictions are completely inevitable, said CSU parliamentary group leader Thomas Kreuzer. The majority of the sensible could not, however, take the minority of the unreasonable into consideration in the long term. Free voter parliamentary group leader Florian Streibl said: It doesn’t do anything to hold each other against mistakes. The Free Voters had also called for openings, but now they are taking responsibility and acting.

Söder for compulsory vaccination: “We should do it too”

In his government statement, Bavaria’s Prime Minister reiterated his call for a general vaccination requirement in Germany. “Austria is doing it, we should do it too,” said Söder. Otherwise, with a view to the months and years to come, he warned of an endless loop: “If we are no longer ready to be vaccinated, we will always come back to the same point.” Without specifically that Example Bayern Munich Söder also said: Even professional athletes should finally get vaccinated.

The Bavarian cabinet was a little more cautious about the general compulsory vaccination. The report from the cabinet meeting states: “The state government is also in favor of considering a general vaccination requirement at the federal level if the vaccination rate does not improve significantly in the coming weeks.”

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