Söder: Curfew is lifted – in the future 3G at the hairdresser

Further corona loosening is imminent in Bavaria: After a CSU board meeting in Munich, Prime Minister Markus Söder announced that the curfew in the catering trade would be lifted. So far, restaurants and taverns in the Free State have had to close at 10 p.m.

In addition, more spectators should be allowed to attend cultural and sporting events – while maintaining the 2G-plus rule and FFP2 mask requirement. In theatres, cinemas and the like, the permitted occupancy rate is said to be increased from 50 to 75 percent. At major events, 50 percent should now be allowed instead of the previous 25 percent – but a maximum of 15,000 spectators (previously: 10,000). Standing places should also be allowed again. In addition to those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, those who have tested negative should also be allowed to go to services close to the body – such as the hairdresser.

Söder spoke of “gentle and controlled opening”. The relaxation is to be decided on Tuesday by the Bavarian cabinet, from when it will apply is still open. The current Corona regulation of the Free State is still valid up to and including Wednesday.

Söder criticizes the federal government: “Confused debate”

In the morning, Söder had reiterated his demand for an “entry into the exit” in the ZDF “Morgenmagazin”. Restrictions are correct when the health system is under extreme strain. “But that’s not the case at Omikron at the moment.” In this situation, “freedom must find a stronger place in the balance between freedom and security”.

The CSU chairman expressed clear criticism of the actions of the federal government. “We have a confused debate,” he complained. For example, it causes a lot of uncertainty “when the federal government has unilaterally shortened the status of those who have recovered, although it is different in Europe”. It also seems “strange” if Germany sticks to travel restrictions, “although we actually have higher incidences than most countries ourselves”.

“Federal government completely at odds”

With a view to the discussion about the head of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, Söder also accused the federal government of being completely divided. One coalition partner – the FDP – “almost asked Wieler to resign, while the others supported him”. Söder said that a clear line is now needed in the fight against Corona.

Once again, Söder complained about the “back and forth” in the debate about general vaccination requirements because the federal government actually had no opinion on such a central issue. Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (both SPD) are both in favor of compulsory vaccination. “But they don’t do anything about it, they declare themselves neutral.”

Lauterbach: Relaxation in a few weeks

Meanwhile, Federal Minister of Health Lauterbach is holding Relaxation of the corona measures only in a few weeks Justifiable: He thinks it is “crazy” if the measures are relaxed when the maximum number of infected people is reached, said the SPD politician on Sunday evening at “Bild”. With the current restrictions, lives would be saved every day.

“You can’t distribute the bear’s fur before it’s shot,” said Lauterbach. If the omicron wave – as expected – reaches its peak in mid-February, according to Lauterbach, relaxation is possible “well before Easter”. The minister can imagine that easing will be discussed at the next prime ministers’ conference on February 16. Whether there will actually be any easing “depends on how we are then”.

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