Society: Scotland wants to decriminalize drugs

Scotland wants to decriminalize drugs

Record number of drug-related deaths in Scotland photo

©Oliver Berg/dpa

The Scottish regional government wants to get the drug problem in the country under control. A concrete idea has already been developed for this.

The Scottish regional government wants to solve the massive drug problem in the country with a radical proposal. The leadership in Edinburgh called on the British central government to Decriminalize drugs for personal use.

For example, people who have previously been convicted would have better chances of employment. Measures such as supervised consumption facilities could be introduced more quickly.

The northernmost part of Britain has recorded record numbers of drug-related deaths in recent years – and has the most in all of Europe.

Drug use should become a health issue

“These are ambitious and radical evidence-based proposals that will help save lives,” said Secretary of State Elena Whitham. “We want to create a society in which problem drug use is treated as a health issue and not as a crime.” This would reduce stigma and discrimination. Those affected could recover and contribute positively to society.

The Scots demanded that London either implement the proposal directly or extend the regional government’s powers. The British government was skeptical. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will not give up his “tough stance” on drugs, his spokesman said.


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