Society: People around the world feel more and more insecure

People around the world feel more and more insecure

The UNDP examines a range of threats to humans and how perceptions of them have changed. Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

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According to a report by the UN development agency UNDP, six out of seven respondents say they feel insecure. Even in industrialized countries, people are worried about the future.

According to a UN report, despite progressive development, people in many countries around the world feel more insecure than ever.

In “almost all countries”, including the industrialized countries, the feeling of security is “at a low point”, said the UN development agency UNDP. According to this, six out of seven respondents stated that they felt a little or a lot of uncertainty.

German UNDP chief Achim Steiner said: “Although global prosperity is higher than ever, the majority of people are concerned about the future and these feelings have probably been exacerbated by the pandemic.” The pursuit of unbridled economic growth leads to further destruction of nature and increasing inequalities, increasing feelings of insecurity.

Redefinition of progress needed

The UNDP therefore concludes that the meaning of progress needs to be redefined. “We need a fit-for-purpose development model based on protecting and restoring our planet with new sustainable opportunities for all,” Steiner said.

In the report, the agency emphasizes that climate change could become one of the leading causes of human deaths in the coming decades. “Even with moderate reductions in emissions, around 40 million people could die from temperature changes by the end of the century.”

In its report, the United Nations Development Agency examines a range of threats to humans and how perceptions of them have changed; In addition to inequalities and diseases, these also include conflicts or the consequences of digital technologies.


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