Social: Tafel boss: Because of the rush, there are waiting lists

Tafel boss: Because of the rush, there are waiting lists

The situation for food banks in Germany has worsened. photo

© Christian Charisius/dpa

Shortened opening times, waiting lists and admission stops: According to the chairman of the organization, the food banks in Germany are “in constant crisis mode”.

According to a newspaper report, hundreds of food banks in Germany are running because of the large number of people Waiting lists. “In total, around a third of the food banks in Germany have temporary admission stops or waiting lists,” said the chairman of the food bank umbrella organization, Andreas Steppuhn, to the editorial network Germany.

There are also food banks that have shortened their opening hours. “Only what food is actually available can be distributed,” he said. According to the information, there are currently 973 food banks.

Steppuhn had previously told the German Press Agency: “Our food banks are in constant crisis mode.” First the war in Syria, then the corona pandemic and finally the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine have further aggravated the situation in recent years. “Poverty in Germany is increasing – and noticeably.”

Compared to previous years, Stepphuhn says on average 50 percent more customers come to the food banks. In 2023, there were 1.6 to 2 million people who regularly received support from the food banks, he told the RND. “We also experienced in times of crisis that authorities said: Go to the food banks, you will be provided for there.”


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