Social: No rapprochement in the dispute over basic child security

No rapprochement in the dispute over basic child security

From 2025, basic child security is to bundle state benefits for families and children. photo

© Peter Kneffel/dpa

It is another bone of contention for the federal government: the so-called basic child security is supposed to protect the youngest from poverty from 2025. But funding is a problem.

In the coalition dispute over basic child security, the fronts remain hardened. The FDP social expert Pascal Kober confirmed in the “Welt”: “Even today, some of the funds used do not reach the families because the welfare state is too complicated and the application procedures are too bureaucratic.”

Therefore, the digital opportunity portal agreed in the coalition agreement must first be implemented. “Unfortunately, Lisa Paus is behind schedule here, to the detriment of the children, who urgently need easy access to help that really promotes and improves their development,” said Kober, referring to the Green Family Minister.

SPD leader Saskia Esken spoke in the newspapers of the Funke media group in favor of reaching more people from the circle of those entitled to claim. “We raised child benefit and child allowance at the beginning of the year more than ever before,” she said. That was an important step. “Now we have to set ourselves the goal of actually reaching more parents and children who need this support and to whom they are entitled.”

From 2025, basic child security is to bundle state benefits for families and children. What is controversial in the coalition is what should go with it. Family Minister Paus wants an increase because, in her opinion, the previous aid does not adequately combat child poverty. Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), on the other hand, sees little room for maneuver in the budget. The traffic light government had agreed in the coalition agreement to want to get more children out of poverty with basic child security.


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