social media illustrate historic heat wave and drought

Europe is not the only area in the world to experience heat waves and drought this summer. China is experiencing the strongest heat wave ever recorded in its history, while the state of drought has been declared on half of its territory.

Heat waves are not unusual in China, but this summer the country of nearly 10 million km2 is facing abnormally intense weather events. Many rivers are dry and, just like in France, the lack of water endangers crops: 20% have already been destroyed. Chinese growth is threatened, as some provinces such as Sichuan have had to take measures to save electricity, which comes mainly from hydraulic dams.

Franceinfo returns in images to the climate catastrophe that is hitting the country.

An unimaginable heat wave

“Beibei [ville de la municipalité de Chongquing] reached 45°C for two consecutive days and some places did not drop below 34°C at night”related the mBritish meteorologist Scott Duncan on August 20 on Twitter. A few days later, Wednesday August 24, in the province of Sichuan, a few hundred kilometers further east, the temperature showed 44°C. The next day, the mercury rose again to nearly 42°C in Chongqing (Southwest).

The heat wave hitting China has forced some factories to shut down. Sichuan has ordered all factories closed for six days, from August 15 to 20. Electricity was also rationed in the province. HAS Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, billboards and illuminations have been off since August 16.

Asia’s longest dry river

the Yangtze, the largest river in Asia, with 6,300 km in length and an average flow of 30,000 m3, is dry. A disaster for cities that depend on this source of water to function. HAS Chongqing, also called “the mountain city”, the Yangtze meets its tributary, the Jialing River. This year, both rivers are at their lowest levels on record.

In Wuhan, capital of Hubei province in central China, the Yangtze has receded so much that the curious venture to walk on the dry bed of the river. The opportunity also to escape the oppressive heat by bathing in what remains of water.

The country’s largest freshwater reserve halved

“The drought has exposed intricate, tree-like patterns hidden beneath Poyang Lake”, a Chinese government official tweeted Monday, August 22. Behind this art of nature hides a catastrophe for the province of Jiangxi, in the south-east of the country.

Poyang Lake, which is the country’s largest freshwater reserve, has been halved due to drought. He ifextended on 183 km2, Thursday August 24, for an average area of ​​344 km2 usually.

Similar situation for the lake Dongtingalso dried up in the province of Hunan. Its area has been drastically reduced compared to the measurements made in 2020 at the same time.

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