Soccer World Cup: Qatar cancels pocket money for invited fans

Status: 11/19/2022 09:37 a.m

Qatar’s World Cup organizers invited hundreds of fans to the World Cup to create a good atmosphere locally and on social media. According to media reports about the program, the promised pocket money has now been canceled for the fans.

Around 450 fans from 59 countries are involved in the “Fan Leader Network” program. They are allowed to attend the opening game and other large parts of the tournament largely at the expense of the organizers. The Organizing Committee (OC) provided the fans with flights, accommodation and tickets for the opening game. Among other things, they should observe a code of conduct in which a positive attitude towards the World Cup and the host is suggested.

Daily pocket money of 250 Qatari riyals, around 70 euros, was also provided. “A loaded Visa card will be issued upon arrival,” it said in a letter to fans available to the sports show. But now this pocket money is canceled.

WM-OK wants to protect fans “from claiming to be paid”

The WM-OK blames the reporting in the media for the measure. Some media had spoken of “paid fans” because the fans will be provided with thousands of euros worth of flights, accommodation and tickets for the opening game.

In an e-mail available to the sports show, the World Cup OK wrote to the “Fan Leaders” on Tuesday (11/15/2022): Because they now want to protect the guests from the “erroneous, misinformed assertion” that they ” paid fans”, “pocket money is unfortunately no longer provided”.

The email goes on to say, “Bring cash.” And: “We asked from the start that all travelers have enough money to pay their basic costs.”

Organizers: “Anyone who sees this as payment is questioning the credibility of the fans”

When asked by the sports show, the WM-OK did not take a position on pocket money. However, it confirmed that the fans travel to the World Cup “voluntarily and free of charge”. The OC provides “flights, accommodation and subsistence expenses”, it said.

“If you view this as payment for services, this not only overshadows the core of the program, but also questions the credibility and motives of the fans involved,” said the World Cup OK.

DFB not involved in the program

There are also fans from Germany. On request, the DFB informed Sportschau that it was aware of the organizing committee’s programme, but that it was not supported by either the DFB or the national team fan club.

You know that “German fans took part / will take part, but we don’t know how many fans are taking part,” said the DFB.

German fan “wants to contribute to international understanding”

A German fan involved is Bernd Hofmann. He is President of the “FC Bayern Fanclub Nabburg/Oberpfalz”. In the “Mittelbayerische Zeitung” he formulated a goal for his trip: he did not want to do politics there, “but rather cultivate friendships and contribute to international understanding,” the newspaper quoted him as saying. He rejected an earlier interview request from the sports show.

Working conditions are “difficult in other countries as well,” said Hofmann in the “Mittelbayerische”. According to the information in the newspaper, Hofmann accompanied FC Bayern to training camps in Qatar several times. The newspaper reports on a 40-person travel group from Germany, who set off for Qatar free of charge.

Code of Conduct for Social Networks

The sports show and several international media reported on a code of conduct. In it, the fans agree to support the World Cup “by liking and sharing” posts on social networks.

The WM-OK wrote to the fans that social media posts are being monitored. We reserve the right to request changes or deletion of posts. “Degrading comments” should be reported to the WM-OK and deleted, all other “positive and critical” comments should remain.

“We are not asking you to be a mouthpiece for Qatar. But it would obviously be inappropriate to denigrate Qatar, the Organizing Committee or the World Cup,” says the so-called “Principles for Good Postings”. Fans “with an obvious political leaning” are not allowed in the program.


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