Soccer. Incarcerated, Mathias Pogba appears on new videos and still accuses his brother Paul

Indicted for organized gang extortion and participation in a criminal conspiracy, Mathias Pogba appears once again seated, alone, dressed in a black t-shirt and reading aloud several messages printed on sheets of paper.

He explains that these enigmatic videos, as well as several messages published on his Twitter account overnight from Thursday to Friday, were recorded and that their publication was scheduled in the event that he would be “no longer at liberty”.

Mathias Pogba, 32, continues his accusations there against his younger brother Paul, 29, who had filed a complaint on July 16 with the Turin public prosecutor’s office in this case which remained secret until the publication at the end of August of the first videos of the eldest. .

The latter goes a little more into the details of the facts he accuses of Paul Pogba, in particular vis-à-vis his family. He also attacks frontally Rafaela Pimenta, the midfielder of Juventus Turin.

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Contacted, Rafaela Pimenta’s agency did not respond immediately.

Mathias Pogba also returns to the subject of witchcraft, explaining that his brother would have tried to marabout his teammate Kylian Mbappé, on the sidelines of the 2019 Champions League return match between PSG and Manchester United, where Paul Pogba was then playing.

In addition to Mathias Pogba, four men were indicted in particular for extortion with a weapon, kidnapping in an organized gang and criminal association, and were placed in pre-trial detention in this incredible case.

Heard by investigators on the facts of kidnapping on the night of March 19 to 20, 2022, Paul Pogba said he was trapped by childhood friends armed with assault rifles. He had put forward the hypothesis that his brother was acting “under pressure” from people wanting to extract money from him.

The 2018 world champion is currently recovering after having knee surgery in early September. His participation in the 2022 World Cup in November in Qatar is uncertain.

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