SNCF: towards the end of cardboard train tickets in TGV and Intercités?

By Caroline J. Posted on November 5, 2021 at 9:56 a.m.

There is change on the side of the SNCF. From now on, it is impossible to print your famous cardboard train ticket (for TGV and Intercity journeys) from a self-service terminal installed in stations. The railway company decided to put an end to this process for ecological and practical reasons. Instead, the traveler can print a “receipt”. We explain to you.

After the end of Paris metro ticket book, is it soon end of cardboard train ticket that we all know in its rectangular shape? As relayed by several media, it is no longer possible to print your cardboard train ticket from one of the self-service kiosks installed in stations. For the moment, this change only concerns trips made on main lines SNCF, namely the TGV and Intercities. Instead, these machines now dispense a simple receipt In the format ” receipt »Where your last name, first name, time, car and seat number and a QR code are written.

So why the SNCF has she decided to make this change? According to the company, the majority of travelers now use a electronic ticket. A phenomenon which seems to have become more democratized since the pandemic. ” Less than 5% of main line tickets are purchased at a self-service terminal ” Explain Le Figaro. And as the daily indicates, this strategy corroborates with current ecological issues. ” From an ecological point of view, it is certain that it is preferable to have another paper support than the cardboard one. », Confided the SNCF at Figaro.

So is this the pure and simple end of the cardboard train ticket ? For the time being, this is not being considered. Indeed, not all SNCF cardboard tickets have disappeared. Thus, it is always possible to obtain it by going directly to the station counter. They are also always printable from the terminals for TER and Transilien journeys. ” The challenge is to have an answer for all uses and adapted to all habits and situations. Although there is an increase in the digital version, we remain attentive to that there is a solution for everyone “Said SNCF in the columns of Figaro.

So, for or against the end of the cardboard note of the SNCF for mainline trains?

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