Smoking: new dangers from hookahs and e-cigarettes – Health

The successes of tobacco prevention could soon be undone. The proportion of smokers has been declining since the 1980s, although there was an increase again during the pandemic. But the decline mainly affects classic tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos or pipes – these tobacco products are consumed by around 24 percent of men and 22 percent of women in Germany, around a third less than 25 years ago.

Contrary to this trend, however, the proportion of those who use alternative tobacco products such as hookahs and tobacco heaters or tobacco alternatives such as e-cigarettes is increasing. In the group of young adults under the age of 25, 12.4 percent of men and 11.1 percent of women used one of the alternative products, such as a analysis in German Medical Journal indicates. Researchers warn of a “turning point in prevention” because the addictive potential of the products suggests that consumption will continue in old age.

Even if alternative products are presented as harmless, the trend is not harmless. Smoking hookah is considered riskier than consuming traditional cigarettes because it involves inhaling much of the same toxins for longer. E-cigarettes seem to be a little safer than conventional tobacco products, but the debate is controversial because it is not clear how the interaction of liquids, flavors and other additives is harmful to health in the long term.

There are hookah lounges in every small town

Even if the risks of hookahs and e-cigarettes are assessed differently, researchers suspect that the health damage caused by the alternative products is increasing. This means a lot of work for prevention, because the alternatives are more socially accepted than conventional cigarettes. In addition, many consumers believe that they are less dangerous. And while cigarettes are widely banned, hookahs and e-cigarettes are less strictly prohibited. Lounges for this type of inhalation goods can be found in every small town. Much remains to be done for health protection; the danger posed by tobacco and alternative products is not off the table. The tobacco industry has also shown in the past how it can distract from the dangers for years with marketing and sugarcoated science. As early as 2025, she expects to generate half her profits with alternative products.

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