Smell like fish? 3 “disgusting” signs of a disturbed metabolism

These 3 “disgusting” signs can indicate a disturbed metabolism

1. Strong body odor

An excessively strong or unpleasant body odor can be an indication of certain metabolic disorders, such as trimethylaminuria or “fishy smell syndrome”. In this rare genetic disorder, the enzyme that breaks down trimethylamine is not produced sufficiently. As a result, trimethylamine accumulates in the body and is excreted in sweat, urine and breath, resulting in an intense, fish-like odor.

2. Digestive problems

Metabolic disorders can cause digestive problems. Persistent diarrhea, constipation, or unusually foul-smelling stools may indicate problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients. This can be due to various diseases such as celiac disease, lactose intolerance or Crohn’s disease. Such disorders affect the digestive process and can lead to unpleasant symptoms.

3. Unusual skin changes

The condition of the skin can also be an indication of metabolic problems. Some metabolic disorders, such as porphyria, may cause skin changes such as blistering, eczema, or increased sensitivity to sunlight. The skin is an important organ for detoxification and when metabolism is disturbed it can experience negative changes that can manifest themselves in various skin problems. Such signs should be checked by a doctor.

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