“Small, fat, ugly, bald” … Valérie Trierweiler lets loose on her ex-companion François Hollande

Valérie Trierweiler and François Hollande on February 15, 2013 in New Delhi. – Bertrand Langlois AFP

Tenacious resentment, bitterness that one keeps after a disillusion, an injustice… The definition of Robert’s resentment seems to fit perfectly with the feelings that Valérie Trierweiler has for François Hollande.

Regular guest in the show Grosses Têtes on RTL, Valérie Trierweiler took advantage of her visit to the show on Friday, June 18 to put a layer on her ex-companion. During a discussion about the physique of Romain Magellan, with whom she currently shares her life, the columnist seized the pole stretched by one of her acolytes to comment on the physique of the former President of the Republic that she described of “small, fat, ugly, bald” … A portrait very distant from his current companion. She nevertheless specified that despite the faults she cited, that had not prevented her from being “stung anyway” in 2014.

Seven years later, the pill, undoubtedly too “big”, seems to have difficulty in passing.



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