Skyrim player finds a secret torture chamber

The game is so big that secrets are still being discovered. For example, one player found a mysterious NPC dungeon deep under Skyrim. In a video he shows you how to find the Skyrim torture chamber and what you can do there.

Skyrim: Player finds horrifying chamber

Skyrim is a game that seems endless and has a lot to offer thanks to the huge open world map. For example, little secrets which are also new to some almost ten years after release.

Reddit user Xx_StevenHawking, for example, discovered the true Chamber of Secrets and reveals how you too can enter it. All you need is a console command.

Open the console with the “^ key” and then enter the command “coc aaaDeleteWhenDoneTestJeremy”. You will then be automatically teleported to said chamber.

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim [Nintendo Switch]

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim [Nintendo Switch]

The price may be higher now. Price as of 07/03/2022 06:46

Skyrim: What is the meaning of the chamber?

In the torture chamber there are three NPCs who have to pour coal into furnaces in the dark and there is even a small feature: if you interrupt the character called “TestJeremySmall” at work, he will shrink. As the name suggests, “TestJeremyBig” is the exact opposite. But what is the purpose of the torture chamber?

Reddit users have an idea. For example, dinowithissues surmises that the poor souls need to get Skyrim working with the ovens, and crupp0 narrates that the giant NPC can sometimes appear in regular Skyrim as well – an unsuccessful attempt to escape.

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Despite all the theories, it is clear that Bethesda used this chamber for testingbut it’s always fun to discover those little secrets.

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