Skin care: The best beauty tips for sleepless nights

skin care
The best beauty tips for sleepless nights

Slept badly? These tricks can help make fatigue invisible.

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Slept badly? These beauty tips can help the morning after when you can’t sleep all night again.

The term “beauty sleep” isn’t just a myth. For example, our skin regenerates during sleep, and body and mind can recover from the events of everyday life. But often you don’t get the ideal eight hours of sleep a night at all. These tips and tricks will help on days when you don’t feel quite as fresh in the morning.

minimize swelling

Poor sleep leads to impaired lymph flow – and thus to swollen eyes. Eye masks available at drugstores work wonders for this while also moisturizing. But an old household trick also helps: cucumber slices. It is best to store in the refrigerator and, if necessary, place two slices of the cool vegetables on your eyes for a few minutes. Cooled tea bags, such as sage or chamomile, have a similar effect.

A short facial massage can stimulate lymph flow and reduce swelling. You can simply work with your hands, but you can also use various tools such as Gua Sha or face rollers, but a simple spoon will also do the trick. Simply massage gently from the inside out, and upwards.

supply moisture

Sleepless nights often lead to dry skin. The skin loses elasticity and ages faster. It is all the more important to provide them with sufficient moisturizing care in the morning. Best done with a hyaluronic serum followed by an antioxidant-rich moisturizer, especially around the eye area.

It is equally important to keep the body hydrated by drinking enough water! A large glass of water in the morning – even before the first cup of coffee – gets your metabolism going and can also help to combat fatigue.

Conjure up freshness with make-up

Another helper after a sleepless night is of course the make-up. A good concealer can cover even the darkest circles under your eyes. Liquid highlighter gives dull, tired skin the glow it needs, while blush and lipstick add color to the face.

Avoid: dark eyeshadow, eyeliner or kohl. Too dark eye make-up makes the eyes look even more puffy.


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