Skilled workers shortage in Germany: 1.2 million workers wanted

As of: 23.10.2021 2:46 p.m.

According to the Federal Employment Agency, there is a great shortage of workers in Germany. There is a particular lack of trained specialists. Targeted immigration is therefore required on the part of the economy.

Germany suffers from a shortage of staff. According to the Federal Employment Agency (BA), there is a dramatic shortage of skilled workers in particular. “A total of around 1.2 million workers, two thirds of them skilled workers, are currently being sought,” said BA boss Detlef Scheele of “Welt am Sonntag”.

Too few social workers

“There are already staff shortages at specialist level in around 70 professions.” The paper cited data from the Institute of German Economics (IW), according to which the skilled labor gap is the largest at 18,300 people among social pedagogues. It is similarly large for geriatric nurses and nurses.

To combat the shortage of skilled workers, the Federal Association of SMEs is calling for more skilled workers to immigrate from abroad. “We need the targeted immigration of skilled workers, with the emphasis on skilled workers,” said Federal Managing Director Markus Jerger of the newspapers of the Funke media group. “Many companies have to reject orders due to a lack of skilled workers,” continues Jerger.

MINT professions particularly affected

It doesn’t look any better for the trainees. “There are more than 390 recognized apprenticeships in Germany, and in almost all of them there is a shortage of new apprentices. At the start of the 2020 apprenticeship year, almost 60,000 apprenticeship positions could not be filled.”

According to Jerger, the MINT industries (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology), the health and care sector and the skilled trades suffer from an acute shortage of skilled workers and trainees. Without skilled workers, the entrepreneurs also lacked potential successors. In the worst case, the company is threatened with closure. This particularly affects family businesses, said Jerger.

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