Six friends create a calendar of nudes and sell nearly a thousand copies

After the “Gods of the stadium”, the “Gods of wine”… In life, Philippe Ball does not play rugby but is a wine merchant. It was he, with his colleague from the Cave des Anges, in Fortsfeld (Bas-Rhin), who had the idea, last year, of launching a calendar of nudes.

” Why ? We had a delirium with Philou, we wanted to get out of the ordinary, “laughs the 30-something, completely accepting this little stroke of madness. For charity since from the start, the duo wanted to donate all the profits to an association. She was found with Les enfants de Marthe, which cares for children with cancer. “Because I knew parents whose boy had leukemia,” explains Philippe Ball, who then set out to find other models able to pose.

“I got carried away and we found friends. One from sports, the other who is Philou’s brother-in-law, a mutual friend who worked out. Yes, we chose some good-looking guys! All aged between 25 and 35 years old. All that remained was to stage it all… Not so easy and without any professional equipment since the shots were all taken without the help of a professional photographer.

“We even sold it in Australia, Canada, Italy and Spain”

“The first shoot was in a stable and we were embarrassed because people were stopping, girls were watching. Afterwards, we went to the forest and to my hotel room where there is a swimming pool, it was easier, ”laughs the initiator, who did not expect such success. Put on sale for ten euros in mid-November, the “Gods of Wine” calendar has sold out… “a little more than 900 copies”. “It was a carnage, we only had good feedback. We even sold some in Australia, Canada, Italy or Spain and Cauet, on NRJ, talked about us! »

At the rate of “6 to 7 euros” for the association per album, Les enfants de Marthe received a check for 6,000 euros last week. To which are added 200 euros reported by the sales of the calendar of the blogger “A girl in Alsace”, Céline Schnell being none other than the companion of Philippe Ball.

The latter is already preparing the next issue, scheduled for October, for the benefit of the association “Vaincre la mucoviscidose”. “It will be more rock’n’roll and more crazy,” he promises, assuring that there will be no other delirium. “We’re going to stop at the calendar, that’s already not bad! »

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