Six anti-monarchy activists arrested in London ahead of ceremony

British security forces and intelligence said they were ready to act in the event of incidents. Six anti-monarchy activists were arrested on Saturday morning in London as they prepared to demonstrate against the coronation of King Charles III, protest organizers said.

Police arrested “six of our organizers and seized hundreds of signs” bearing the slogan “Not my King” (not my king), said a spokesman for the group Republic whose hundreds of supporters were gathered in Trafalgar Square , on the route of the procession.

Republic President Graham Smith is among those arrested, the group said on Twitter. “Free Graham Smith”, shouted the demonstrators on the spot, noted an AFP journalist.

Protesters vs Opponents

“That is exactly why we are here today. Because the monarchy represents everything that is wrong with the UK: privilege, inequality and the absence of democracy,” Martin Weegman, one of the anti-monarchy protesters, told AFP.

Around hundreds of activists, displaying signs “Citizens not Subjects” (citizens, not subjects) or “Abolish the Monarchy”, half-amused, half-stunned defenders of royalty answered them with a “God save the King”.

Thirteen activists from the environmental group Just Stop Oil were also arrested near the route planned for the procession, noted an AFP journalist. The group had planned to demonstrate on the occasion of the coronation to oppose the exploitation of hydrocarbons in the country.

Young people less favorable to the monarchy

The arrests come after a senior police official, Christian Bunt, warned on Friday that protests that disrupt the coronation would be treated with “a lower level of tolerance”.

Inaudible under the reign of Elizabeth II, who died last September, the republican movement intends to take advantage of Charles III’s lesser popularity to make its voice heard.

According to a recent YouGov poll, the majority of Britons (58%) are still in favor of keeping the monarchy, but this sentiment is declining among young people. Only 32% of 18-24 year olds are in favor of the monarchy, against 38% who want an elected head of state (and 30% have no opinion).

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