Six and seven years in prison for a duo of hammer attackers

Two men aged 27 and 29 were sentenced to 6 and 7 years in prison for extremely violent attacks by the Nîmes criminal court. On the night of February 11 to 12, in the Gard prefecture, they had in turn attacked two men.

A delivery man on a scooter, then a passer-by had been beaten up. The attackers were notably equipped with a hammer and a knife whose blade had fortunately broken. At the bar, the two attackers tried to explain that they had been attacked and had only defended themselves. A version that did not stand up to the violence of the CCTV images projected in court.

The judge goes beyond the requisitions of the prosecutor

The court went beyond the requisitions of the public prosecutor who had asked for 5 years in prison and a definitive ban on territory.

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