Situation in Sri Lanka: “Surreal situation after the protests”

Status: 07/10/2022 10:20 a.m

After the announced resignation of the Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa, it is peaceful in the capital today. People are picnicking in the courtyard of the palace, reports ARD correspondent Oliver Mayer from Colombo.

Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced his resignation on July 13 in the wake of the mass protests. The situation then calmed down. ARD correspondent Oliver Mayer speaks of a surreal situation in Colombo. People strolled around the grounds of the Presidential Palace, snapped photos and sat on the lawn for a picnic. Normally the area resembles a high-security zone.

Many people in Sri Lanka would like a completely new government, Mayer continued. This could happen during the week. However, he considers it unlikely that this will solve the country’s problems. The Asian country has accumulated more than $50 billion in debt. “It doesn’t just vanish into thin air.”

“The mood today is very peaceful”, Oliver Mayer, ARD New Delhi, currently Colombo, on the current situation in Sri Lanka

tagesschau24 09:00 a.m., 10.7.2022

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