Sitting posture: Why we shouldn’t cross our legs

Good to know
Why we should urgently break the habit of crossing our legs

If you both do it wrong: Crossing your legs can cause long-term damage to your body.

© bokan76 / Getty Images

Our body is a single wearing part that needs to be cared for. We have to exercise him enough, get enough sleep, eat healthy – and sit properly. Unfortunately, one of the most popular sitting positions is not good for our bodies.

How do you actually sit correctly? You shouldn’t have your legs wide apart, it’s not appropriate. Slumped sitting is also not welcome, nor is slouching on a chair. So your legs are crossed – at a business appointment as well as in a restaurant. That is the Sitting posture that has become accepted in society, at least in public. But it’s not really that good. Because in the long run, crossing your legs can be harmful to your health.

Incorrect sitting posture, crooked body

Sperm don’t like crossed legs

Sources: Study 1, Study 2, Study 3, ScienceAlert, DailyMail

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