Singer Tristan Brusch: Crémant tipsy murder ballad uncle – culture

Tristan Brusch has been seen in more disguises than most others who call themselves pop stars in Germany. For example, as a lonely, love-struck bellboy who is bitten to death by a female guest at the end of the “Cotton Candy” video. “Past the Heart” shows how he, as a murderous ballad uncle, digs a gruesome grave at the edge of the forest, before he lets the sepia-colored Crémant swish and slosh in “No Problem” with duet partner Annett Louisan – as a French dandy in a leopard shirt. At the climax he sang “Die Moritat vom Schweighöfer” naked in the sauna in a mixed group. The video is available on YouTube for ages 18 and up. A lack of clothing is also considered a costume in pop.

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