Singer Slavi well placed to win the legislative elections

Slavi Trifonov, singer turned politician, created an even bigger surprise than expected in Bulgaria. Led by his formation, the protesting parties accentuated their breakthrough in the early legislative elections on Sunday, while the conservatives of former Prime Minister Boïko Borissov were weakened by accusations of corruption. The abstention of over 60% also dominated the ballot.

According to the various polls published at the exit of the polling stations, the two opposing forces are credited with 21 to 24% of the votes. This is a clear decline and especially the worst score since its creation for the Gerb of Boïko Borissov who had obtained more than 26% in April. He is now in the process of being dethroned by Slavi Trifonov’s new anti-system party, dubbed There is such a people (ITP).

Which coalition to govern?

On everyone’s lips, there is only one question now: will the parties succeed this time in coming to an agreement to form a coalition? In the opinion of experts, Boïko Borissov “will not govern because he is isolated” and it is moreover an atmosphere of defeat which dominated at the headquarters of his party on Sunday evening. The previous ballot had already sketched the end of an era that began in 2009 for this ex-bodyguard, who marked Bulgarian post-communist history with his longevity.

Weakened by massive demonstrations during the summer of 2020, Boïko Borissov, 62, could not find partners. And since then, it has lost further ground, overwhelmed by a flood of revelations from the interim government on the corruption that plagues Bulgaria, the poorest country in the European Union.

Television, concerts and politics

Opposite, Slavi Trifonov, 54, is well known to Bulgarians. For decades, he has ignited crowds in his concerts and captivated thousands of viewers in his satirical shows. After a discreet campaign, “Slavi”, a colossus with a shaved head and dark glasses, will speak this Monday morning. But he warned: he will not ally himself with the parties of the “status quo”, including the Socialists (14%). On the other hand, he said he was ready to negotiate with the representatives of those who took to the streets in the summer of 2020 and are galvanized by the winds of change: democratic Bulgaria (right), which collected more than 13% of votes according to initial estimates, and Debout! Mafia out (left, around 5%).

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