Since Marilyn Monroe, the success of this facial treatment has not aged a bit.

Marilyn Monroe already used it in the 1960s. Dermaplaning, a beauty treatment which consists of shaving the hair and scraping impurities from the surface of the skin, is popularized on social networks and on YouTube to the point of being considered as one of the key beauty trends of 2023. Deserved success? 20 minutes in any case explains to you the reasons for this craze.

The procedure for the dermaplaning treatment

This method of mechanical exfoliation has the advantage of being quite simple and quick to do. You can even do it at home, as long as you master the steps.

The first step consists of applying an oily substance to the face, which will avoid damaging the skin when passing the blade. Then, a few rules must be respected: you must use a razor specially designed for dermaplaning (surgical scalpel) and always shave from the bottom to the top of the face to remove the hair present on the skin.

A technique with multiple and instant benefits

What benefit can there be in shaving your face like this? According to Asseman Kessé, beautician and founder of the KDA Paris beauty institute, the goal is to have “immediately smoother and brighter skin.” Because during its passage, the blade takes with it all the dead skin and other dirt installed on the face. “First there is an aesthetic side, because the results are immediate. The complexion becomes more radiant, even without cleansing the skin beforehand,” she explains to 20 minutes.

Another advantage: better penetration of care. “As the epidermis is cleared of all impurities, all products subsequently placed on the skin will penetrate better. It boosts the effectiveness of the routine for better results over time,” says the beautician.

And that’s not all: this treatment improves the appearance of makeup. “On social networks, we can clearly see that dermaplaning allows you to have smoother skin and cleaner makeup,” praises Asseman Kessé.

No, “the down will not grow back thicker”

Don’t worry, the down will not grow back longer or thicker after dermaplaning. “It’s a false popular belief: down is not hair,” reassures the beautician who, in salons, avoids shaving hairy areas of the face such as the chin or mustache.

“Before starting the treatment, I first pluck the hairs with tweezers if necessary,” emphasizes the professional who recommends carrying out this treatment every month or every two months depending on the growth of the hair.

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