Sina Haghiri on the courage to be angry and the path to forbearance

In his new book, Sina Haghiri calls for us to be more lenient – with ourselves and with others. The psychotherapist explains why this requires access to one’s own anger star betrayed.

Mr. Haghiri, you write about in your book indulgence and empathy. What is the difference between the two properties?

Forbearance goes one step further. That is, empathy is the prerequisite for forbearance. When we exercise forbearance, we make a lenient judgment about other people’s intentions. Or about your own. In doing so, we accept the fallibility of being human as something self-evident. With a forgiving attitude, we assume to others that things that did not go ideally did not arise from bad intentions, but rather from inability. Empathy, on the other hand, only means that we can put ourselves in other people’s shoes.

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