Sibylle Berg about her novel “RCE #RemoteControlExecution”. – Culture

Sibylle Berg and data protection activist Rena Tangens about hackers, surveillance, capitalism and Berg’s new novel “RCE”.

Interviewed by

Andrian Kreye

“Hello Hello?!” – The conversation about hackers, surveillance, capitalism, resistance and Sibylle Bergs new novel “RCE #RemoteControlExecution”, in which all of this plays a role, begins with digital silence. Ms. Berg has an appointment with Rena Tangens, who follows much of what occurs in Berg’s novels in digital reality. The preparations for the launch of the book are really up to date. Instead of a reading tour, there will be a VR film that you can watch from May 20th on Sibylle Berg’s website ( However, three firewalls between Zurich, Bielefeld and Munich are two too many. But then:

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