Show trial in Russia: trial for messages on supermarket shelves

In show trials, the Russian authorities take brutal action against opponents of the war. The Russian artist Alexandra Skochilenko is on trial in Saint Petersburg because a pensioner denounced her. The young woman has been in custody for months.

The notes that will probably land Alexandra Skochilenko in prison for ten years are not even as big as postcards. “Russian recruits are being sent to Ukraine. The price of war is the lives of our children,” read one. On another: “The Russian army bombed the art school in Mariupol. About 400 people sought shelter there from the shelling.” Alexandra, known as Sascha, pushed five of these cardboard cards next to the price tags on the honey shelf in the St. Petersburg supermarket “Perekrestok”. It was their protest against Putin’s war. She has been in prison for this since April.

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