Should we fear an increase in cases as the Paris Olympics approach?

Between the legislative elections, the Euro football tournament and the conflict which continues to bog down in Gaza, we have almost forgotten it. However, Covid-19 is far from having disappeared. A 52% increase in emergency admissions was observed from June 3 to 10. Over the same period, in the city, SOS Médecins reported a 51% increase in suspected Covid-19.

In its latest bulletin published this Tuesday, Public Health France speaks of a “resumption of viral circulation” and estimates that its impact on the healthcare system “should be monitored in the coming weeks”. As France prepares to host the Olympic Games in less than 40 days, should we be worried about this resumption?

A new, highly contagious variant

If we have known for four years that the virus spreads more in enclosed spaces that are less well ventilated, and therefore more in winter, the risk is not low in the summer season. “The weather probably plays a role in the spread but a role seems minor with this virus which is very transmissible,” underlines Antoine Flahault, epidemiologist and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva. As proof, this summer wave is also visible in warmer countries like Spain or Portugal.

“Each time a new wave forms, it is thanks to a new variant which at least partially escapes pre-existing immunity,” explains the epidemiologist. This is particularly the case for KP.2 and KP.3 which currently seem to be gaining ground.

A lack of information

The increase in contamination is also explained by the lack of information among the French, according to Benjamin Davido, infectious disease doctor, medical director responsible for Covid-19 at the Raymond Poincaré hospital in Garches. “People hospitalized tell me ‘the virus still exists in 2024?’”, testifies the doctor. People, perhaps in good faith, do not even know that the virus is present, have been coughing for eight days and tell themselves that they surely have a pollen allergy or that they have caught a cold even though they have the Covid-19. »

Patients would therefore be less aware of being contaminated and would also respect barrier gestures less. Isolation is no longer compulsory in the event of contracting the virus. “We have lost the good reflexes,” laments the infectious disease specialist. As we do not know that the virus is circulating and we have learned to live without barrier gestures, this creates a snowball effect. »

A risky situation due to the 2024 Olympics

Although the majority of the events at the Paris Olympics will take place outdoors, the risk of contamination is therefore not low. “The interactions we are going to have will play a huge role in transmission,” believes Benjamin Davido. We saw it with the cluster created by the Taylor Swift concert. Even outdoors, we will talk with people, cough, scream, which will emit splutters further and louder. »

Antoine Flahault believes that Europe will not be able to escape, in the coming weeks, a wave of contaminations which could be “quite strong”. “Without fearing new episodes of saturation of the health system, we can fear an increase in hospitalizations and deaths among vulnerable people this summer. »

Low spring vaccination

Faced with this threat, what should we do? For Benjamin Davido, there is no question of requiring masks at all times during the Olympics or of reestablishing isolation in the event of contamination: “it would be inaudible. » The solution would rather be found on the side of vaccination… and barrier gestures. According to the infectious disease specialist, the increase in cases each summer since 2021 is partly explained by this low spring vaccination rate. “People believe that they have had their three doses and therefore that they have done what was necessary, but how do we protect ourselves over time? »

+ information on Covid-19

For the doctor, the message is simple: “let’s carry out a vaccination prevention campaign with targeted objectives for the most vulnerable people, let’s also offer it to those around us and caregivers and let’s remind people of barrier gestures for sick people. » Only 50,000 people were vaccinated during the last campaign which officially ended on Sunday.

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