Shots on Shinzo Abe: shock and sadness at assassination

Status: 08.07.2022 10:49 a.m

The assassination of Japan’s ex-Prime Minister Abe has sparked international outrage. In addition to Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock, numerous politicians expressed their dismay and sent wishes for a recovery.

The shots fired at former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who suffered serious injuries in the attack, sparked widespread international sympathy.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Twitter that she was “shocked” by the news that Abe had been shot. “My thoughts are with him and his family,” wrote the Green politician.

French President Emmanuel Macron also tweeted the “disgusting attack” on Japan’s former prime minister. France stands by the Japanese people and its thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the “great” Prime Minister.

“Stay strong”

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was “completely appalled and saddened by the despicable attack” and expressed his condolences to Abe’s family and “his loved ones”.

“Stay strong,” tweeted EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The President of the European Parliament, Charles Michel, denounced a “cowardly attack” carried out on Abe while he was carrying out his professional duties. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made a similar statement.

Prayers for “Abe-san”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had previously spoken of a “very sad moment” and expressed “deeply concerned” about Abe’s state of health. US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel described “Abe-san” as “a pre-eminent leader of Japan and a staunch ally of the United States”. “The US government and the American people pray for the well-being of Abe-san, his family and the people of Japan.”

Former US President Donald Trump described the attack as “devastating”.

An “Architect of Modern Relationships”

Israel’s Ambassador to Japan, Gilad Cohen, tweeted praise for Abe’s work as “the architect of modern Israel-Japan relations.” The ex-government acted like a “catalyst” for the “thriving connections” between Japan and Israel.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he had conveyed his condolences to his Japanese counterpart over the “attempted assassination” of Abe before his early departure from the G20 summit in Bali.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry was also “shocked”. The ex-Japanese prime minister will “hopefully be out of danger soon and recover quickly.”

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