Short-term closures of Autobahns 6 and 7 planned – Bavaria

Due to construction work, the Feuchtwangen/Crailsheim motorway junction, which connects the A6 and 7 motorways, will be closed on the nights of August 20th and September 3rd. The affected sections will be closed from around 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. the following day, as the federal Autobahn GmbH announced on Tuesday. The diversions will be signposted on site. On Saturday, August 20, the routes Heilbronn (A 6) – Nuremberg (A 6) and Heilbronn (A 6) – Würzburg (A7) will be closed; on September 3, the Nuremberg (A 6) – Heilbronn (A 6) and Nuremberg (A 6) – Ulm (A 7) routes.

During this time, the prefabricated steel parts are to be lifted in, on which the roadway will then be built. The work on the six-lane expansion of the A 6 between the interchange and the state border of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg has been underway since the beginning of 2021 and is now, according to the information, “in big steps” towards completion.

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