Shooting in the Ebersberger Forest – On the trail of a mysterious lady – Ebersberg

A dark road through the forest, a lonely chapel, a woman in a white dress is standing on the side of the road. Here she is looking for her murderer, who years ago let her die in a traffic accident alone in the forest.

Now, on a sunny autumn day, all horror is gone. The small Hubertus chapel stands peacefully on the edge of the forest, the cars rush past it. It is surrounded by orange and red leaves that wrap around it like a blanket on the floor. Klaus Bichlmeier carries around a wooden board on which he has installed two cameras. It helps him to keep the camera still and not to blur the picture. He also has both cameras at hand.

The filmmaker from Poing is making a 20-minute film that will tell the story of the white woman from the Ebersberg Forest. The legend goes that she was seriously injured in an accident by a car driver and left dying on the side of the road. Since then, she has been supposed to wait on the side of the road at night – and even sit in the car when people drive by.

In the film, the woman is played by two actresses. The horror figure who haunts the forest is played by 16-year-old Lucia Fischer from Erding. Anita Schlöglhofer slips into the role of the woman who suffers the fatal accident, as she did on the Open Monument Day a few weeks ago. The film is musically accompanied by Peter Böhme, who wrote a song especially for the white woman. He will also perform this on Saturday in front of the assembled team at the Hubertus Chapel. A film team from Bayerischer Rundfunk is present, as are all the actors and Bichlmeier himself. He knows what is still missing for the film and quickly transforms visitors into actors. Because in the opening credits of the film, which will be shown on November 17th at 7.30 p.m. in the Cineplex in Erding, random people tell what they want to know or want to know about the white woman.

Filmmaker Klaus Bichlmeier creates a creepy scene for his actress in the forest.

(Photo: Peter Hinz-Rosin)

Klaus Bichlmeier loves horror stories, he is always concerned with legends and myths. In addition to documentaries, his repertoire also includes murder stories. The white woman should not be missing. Even in the middle of the filming, he is curious and wants to learn as much about the mysterious lady as possible, because nobody really knows where the story comes from. District home nurse Thomas Warg still knows her from his own youth: “We told the story of the white woman around the campfire as early as 1976. We didn’t invent it, but we passed it on.” Although the accident is said to have happened as early as 1940, the story did not really become known until the 1970s. Today it is a well-known myth.

On this day, the protagonist Lucia appears in a white dress and patiently stands still for all cameras. Because the Bavarian television would like to capture a few pictures of the shooting. Lucia has brought pictures she has painted herself, which Bichlmeier commissioned. She is now posing with them – in front of a total of three different cameras. But the small team around Bichlmeier is familiar, everyone knows each other well and enjoys working together. No trace of stress.

Shooting of 'White Woman' - Bichlmeier

Peter Böhme wrote a song for the white woman. Actress Lucia Fischer listens during a break in filming.

(Photo: Peter Hinz-Rosin)

Bayerischer Fernsehen is making a short clip about Bichlmeier and his shooting. Because he’s not only the scriptwriter, but also the director, cameraman and sound engineer. He will also cut and edit the film all by himself. It will be shown in Erding together with the film “Zeitreise Bayern”. The contribution to Bichlmeier’s work can be seen this Monday at 6 p.m. in the evening show on Bavarian television.

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