Ships rescue Mediterranean migrants in distress

Status: 04/29/2023 2:28 p.m

People have been rescued again in the Mediterranean: The “Ocean Viking” took more than 150 migrants on board, the “Nadir” helped around 100 people. But many people don’t make it – bodies were washed up in Tunisia.

The “Ocean Viking” took a total of 153 people on board during three rescue operations in the Mediterranean. This is reported by the French aid organization SOS Méditerranée. The actions took place within seven hours in Maltese territorial waters.

According to SOS Méditerranée, the migrants were at sea for five days, two of which were without water and food. That’s why people are exhausted and dehydrated. The European Association for Sea Rescue, based in Marseille, welcomed the rescue operations and said they were “closely coordinated by the Italian maritime authorities”.

Together with the 15 migrants rescued on Thursday, the “Ocean Viking” is now heading for the assigned Italian port of Civitavecchia, which is a good 70 kilometers northwest of Rome and thus three days’ journey away.

In the past, aid organizations have criticized the Italian practice of assigning ports that are very far away and accuse the Italian government of obstructing aid operations in this way. According to the aid organizations, the Maltese authorities no longer respond to requests for help.

“Nadir” helps 100 people

According to the organization Resqship, the ship “Nadir” helped around 100 people in distress at sea. According to the information, the first operation took place on Friday night. The “Nadir” provided emergency assistance to a wooden boat that was unable to manoeuvre. The boat with 54 people on board was accompanied until the Italian coast guard took the people on board and brought them to Lampedusa.

According to its own statements, on Friday morning the “Nadir” found a steel boat that was overcrowded with 47 people and threatened to capsize. When water entered the boat, people became “more and more panicky”. Despite the critical situation, the crew of the “Nadir” had to wait a long time for permission from the Italian authorities to take people on board.

Aid and rescue organizations are calling on the EU to end the migration agreement with Tunisia.

Lots of bodies on Tunisia’s coast

According to the International Organization for Migration, the route across the Mediterranean is the most dangerous of all refugee routes. The UN organization estimates that more than 1,400 people lost their lives there last year. More than 800 people have died since the beginning of this year.

According to the National Guard, 210 bodies have been discovered on the Tunisian coast alone in the past ten days. The migrants probably came from countries south of the Sahara.

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