She creates Hopikid, a new streaming platform where we choose according to “the age of the child”

An unknown world populated by traps. This is what many parents discover when looking for video content for their child. On most streaming platforms, the choice is often very wide and can therefore be complicated.

It is from this observation that the idea of ​​Hopikid was born. Either a new application, and website, dedicated to 3-14 year olds, where everything is not mixed but sorted so that any audience does not fall on anything.

“Our difference compared to the others is that we offer an additional service”, explains its founder, Nancy de Méritens, based in Alsace. “We will be able to very easily find a film or a series, depending on the age of the child. And to that, we add a parental guide that lets you know if there are any problematic scenes in the content. For example, if there is a witch who can be scary, we note it. »

In concrete terms, five age groups have been selected: 3 to 5 years old, 5 to 7, 8 to 11, 12 to 14 and older children. “And we can also search according to criteria. Time, interests… For the little ones, it often doesn’t have to be too long. And if someone likes horses, he can sort according to his tastes. We even have content in the original version with subtitles, a request from parents. »

“We do not sell series by the kilo”

In total, the catalog is made up of just over 2,000 hours of programs, “including a third of films”. Far from certain generalist platforms, such as the American streaming giant Netflix. “We are not in competition at all. We do not sell series by the kilo, but services! And if people want very specific content like a film that has just been released, we also offer a VOD service, ”insists the former head of film acquisitions at TF1 Vidéo, who embarked on the project in 2020, before going live in February.

The company now has eight employees spread across Alsace with a head office in Strasbourg. For how many subscribers? Nancy de Méritens does not wish to communicate on precise figures. “But there has been steady traffic growth since the start and we are aiming for 100,000 subscribers within a year and a half. At 7.99 euros per month, with the first free trial, or 79.99 euros per year.

The application is easily accessible from any box and television, or directly on the website. Or all three simultaneously. “We will not control by the IP address”, promises the founder in reference to the latest restrictions wanted by Netflix. Really, Hopikid cannot be compared to it.

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