Shaving legs: the 10 best tips for smooth skin

The stubble is getting longer, the temperatures are rising – at least now we are shaving our legs more often again. Here you can find out what you should pay attention to, how to avoid annoying shaving pimples and the like and then properly care for the skin.

Shaving legs: This is how it works without razor bumps and red spots

1st step: Wet the legs with warm water

Before you start shaving, you should always remember to moisten the areas to be shaved with lukewarm water. This opens the pores and creates the best conditions for getting as many hairs as possible with the razor.

2nd step: Reaching for the shaving gel/foam

After wetting, apply a nourishing shaving gel or foam to be able to glide the blades more gently over the hairs. Make absolutely sure that you do not press the razor on the skin to be shaved in order to avoid unnecessary cuts, etc

3rd step: shaving oil

Whether you want to shave your legs dry or wet, four to five drops of a special one shaving oil meanwhile extensively care for your skin and let the blades slide more smoothly over your skin.

Step 4: The direction is important

Always shave your legs against the direction of hair growth, meaning: from bottom to top – and NEVER the other way around. When it comes to the bikini area, it is much more comfortable not to shave against the direction of hair growth, but with it. You can usually let off steam under the armpits, because this is where it usually works best in all directions.

Step 5: Change the blades regularly

Have you been using the current blade on your razor for a relatively long time? Don’t forget to change them! With dull razor blades you will injure yourself more easily and will not achieve pleasant shaving results. Depending on how often you shave your legs, you should replace the blades at least once a month. As the name suggests, disposable razors are changed after they have been used once.

And speaking of blades: the more Sound the more thorough your shave will be! At least three or more blades per wet razor are recommended – ideally with an additional moisture gliding strip to prevent skin irritation.

Step 6: Problems with razor bumps?

Razor pimples and red spots are always annoying and unattractive to look at after shaving your legs. If you always get it after wet shaving, try dry shaving with a electric razor. This usually shaves sensitive parts of the body even more gently.

7th step: Exfoliation

Before you shave your legs, use a gentle one peelingbecause this has the same effect as moistening your legs with warm water before shaving – it opens the pores and prevents ingrown hairs as dead skin cells are removed from the skin’s surface.

Step 8: Clean the razor blades

Do you only ever clean your razor blade after you have completely shaved? If so, you should start rinsing it off under hot water after every shave. Otherwise, the shaved hairs will clog the blade and cause unsightly shaving results.

Step 9: Cold water

Want to avoid irritated skin after shaving? Wash your legs with cold water after shaving, as this will ensure that the skin pores close more quickly and thus prevent irritation.

Step 10: Avoid the sun

If you have shaved your legs, you should avoid direct sunlight immediately before and after, as this can cause unnecessary razor bumps and irritated skin.

And if razor bumps do appear, the following will help:

No matter how careful you are when shaving, there can always be razor bumps and red spots. If this is the case for you then there is no need to worry as they usually heal on their own without any treatment. If you are still bothered by the unsightly pimples and redness, you can do the following:

  • Place a warm towel on the affected area for a few minutes. This relieves the razor bumps and the ingrown hairs can get through the skin better.
  • If you don’t suffer from razor bumps after shaving your legs, but from razor burn, your skin will be helped above all by moisture. By a moisturizing care the reddened pimples do not even start to itch at best.
  • In the case of razor burn, the following also applies: cooling with a Lotion with aloe vera or a cold towel to soothe irritated skin.
  • If the razor bumps or reddened areas become inflamed, treatment by a dermatologist is advisable.
  • Cut yourself while shaving? Cool the affected area with ice cubes or use one to stop the bleeding alum pen.

When and how often is it best to shave your legs?

While most people incorporate shaving in the morning into their beauty routine, experts have found that the best time to shave is in the evening. Why? At night, the legs tend to swell up due to the heat in bed, which means that the little hairs tend to hide in the morning and are much more difficult to trim when shaving.

How often do you razor depends, among other things, on what hair type you have, what color your leg hair is, how strong your hair growth is and how much you want it to be regular – there is no single rule for this. In addition to genetics, the different parts of the body also play an important role in hair growth. Armpit hair, for example, tends to grow much faster than leg hair.

In general, it’s a good idea to shave your legs every two to three days if you want extra smooth skin. If you don’t mind stubble, a shave after three to five days is enough. And if you don’t want to shave your legs at all, that’s perfectly fine too.

Now you shouldn’t shave:

You should definitely avoid shaving your legs if there are open wounds, pain, a rash or even razor burn in the areas to be shaved.

This keeps your legs smooth for longer

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want smooth skin for a long time after shaving? Some of the steps above will help you get smooth legs for a longer period of time. The peeling before shaving, for example. This is because the skin is freed from dead skin cells, so that the blade can glide more closely over the skin and catch even the smallest hair. Before shaving, warm water also helps to open the pores and prepare the legs perfectly for the shave. Natural oils like Coconut- and macadamia oil are often used instead of shaving foam, gel and co., because they care for the skin during the shave, but also make it supple for a long time – even long after the shave. Best of all, the oils ensure optimal care even after shaving.

new razor blades, which are always only used from the bottom up during the shave also ensure beautiful, smooth legs.

What care is used after shaving?

After shaving your legs, all you have to do is pat your skin dry. Then a moisturizing (after shave) lotion or a body oil (preferably alcohol-free) directly to provide the skin with sufficient moisture, to cool, regenerate and soothe it. Applying baby powder after shaving is also recommended, as it usually prevents itching. In this way you offer your skin further protection to avoid razor bumps or razor burn after your beauty routine.

Avoiding tight trousers after shaving your legs is also very helpful, because this way the skin is not unnecessarily irritated. It is therefore essential that you give your skin at least 15 minutes to fully recover after shaving.

In general, apart from shaving your legs, you should remember to wash your legs with body milk to take care of them so that they don’t dry out in the first place and possibly start to itch.

What helps against itchy, shaved legs?

If the legs start to itch after shaving, the cause is often a razor burn, which becomes visible through irritation, redness and itching. But it can also happen that the skin starts to itch afterwards because the care after the shave was not extensive enough or was even missing. In any case, itching after shaving is not uncommon. Dry skin, dull razor blades or an intolerance to shaving products can also cause itchy legs after shaving.

  • As long as your skin is itchy after shaving, you should not shave the affected areas again. Shaving is only recommended once the itching has completely subsided.
  • The skin should now be treated with an antibacterial After shave balm be disinfected and reassured.
  • Fenistil cream can also be applied to itchy skin to relieve itching.
  • If your skin is very itchy Polidocanol a helpful remedy that superficially numbs the skin and relieves itching. Alternatively help cortisone creamswhich have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve itching.
  • Creams with aloe vera soothe and cool the skin, counteract inflammation and curb itching.

Popular home remedies include:

  • Envelopes with diluted Apple Cider Vinegar: For every liter of water, add a tablespoon of diluted apple cider vinegar to relieve itching. Poultices with yoghurt or quark are also very welcome, they also help you fight the itching. If the quark or yoghurt has dried on the affected area, you can simply wash it off again.
  • Juniper Berry Oil: Rub the oil on your legs twice a day after shaving, the skin will calm down and the itching will disappear.
  • St. John’s wort oil and evening primrose oil: Are particularly popular because they have a skin-soothing effect.

Note: This article first appeared on

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