Shares – balance sheets provide momentum – economy

On the German stock market, the tentative recovery of the previous day continued vigorously on Thursday. Of the dax rose by 1.4 percent to 13,980 points. A string of good corporate results encouraged investors to take bold action. So far, the reporting season has been good from the financial markets’ perspective, despite the high inflation, said investment expert Roger Jones from the investment house London & Capital. Inflation in Germany, which was higher than expected with a rise of 7.4 percent, slowed down the price rally slightly. Now the pressure could increase on the European Central Bank (ECB) to follow the example of the US Federal Reserve and raise interest rates.

In terms of individual stocks, Delivery Hero shares experienced a rapid ups and downs. The food delivery service grew strongly at the start of the year and is making progress on its way to profitability. However, investors reacted to the outlook with great skepticism. There is still a long way to go for Delivery Hero to be in the black. The titles of the food supplier started trading with plus nine percent, then fell by eleven percent, most recently they were again among the Dax favorites with plus 5.8 percent. The Hellofresh paper was one of the top performers in the leading index with a premium of 4.8 percent. The meal kit mailer achieved record sales, undeterred by inflationary pressures and delivery challenges.

Outside of the major indices, the LPKF share price shot up by almost ten percent. After a difficult year in 2021, the laser specialist has returned to growth.

Plans to buy back shares pushed Total-Energies shares in Paris up 3.5 percent. In addition, higher oil and gas prices helped the energy giant jump in its core business.

In New York it closed Dow Jones 1.9 percent up. Here, too, the focus was on the balance sheet season. Among other things, Qualcomm delighted investors with its sales forecast. The titles of the chip company increased in price by almost ten percent. There was light and shadow in the numbers and outlook of the payment service provider Paypal, whose share price nevertheless increased by 11.5 percent.

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