Shareholder lawsuits – claims against Bayer increase – economy

The planned shareholder lawsuits against Bayer because of the controversial takeover of the US agricultural giant Monsanto are taking on larger dimensions. By the end of the limitation period on December 31, 2021, lawsuits for around 320 plaintiffs had been filed with the Cologne Regional Court, said the law firm Tilp, which specializes in investor model proceedings. The claims totaled around 2.2 billion euros. In mid-December, Tilp announced that it would represent more than 250 institutional investors and a large number of private investors. The total volume of the lawsuits at that time was more than one billion euros. In Tilp’s view, Bayer has primarily misled its shareholders about the risks of pending consumer lawsuits in the United States in connection with the weed killer Roundup, which the company took into account with the Monsanto takeover in 2016. As a result, the share price fell massively.

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