Shani Louk: Hundreds of people say goodbye to murdered German-Israeli

World events Burial in Israel

Hundreds of people say goodbye to murdered Shani Louk

“Now we can finally have her close to us” – Shani Louk buried in Israel

Hundreds of people attended the funeral of the German-Israeli Shani Louk. Relatives and friends said goodbye to the young woman who was murdered in a terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas on October 7th at the funeral in Srigim near the city of Bet Shemesh.

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The 22-year-old German-Israeli Shani Louk was murdered in the Hamas massacre against Israel. Two days ago, soldiers recovered her body in a tunnel in the Gaza Strip. The young woman has now been buried in Israel.

ZWeeks after her body was recovered in the Gaza Strip, hundreds of people attended the funeral of German-Israeli Shani Louk in Israel on Sunday. Relatives and friends said goodbye to the young woman who was murdered in a terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas on October 7th at the funeral in Srigim near the city of Bet Shemesh.

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At the time of the unprecedented attack, 22-year-old Louk had been at the Supernova festival in southern Israel along with hundreds of other young people. Her body was taken to the Gaza Strip. A video showing her lifeless body on a terrorist SUV in the streets of Gaza went viral. On Friday night, the Israeli military was able to rescue the bodies of Shani Louk and three other hostages from an underground tunnel in the Gaza Strip in a special operation.

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According to the TV station N12, the mother Ricarda Louk, who comes from Germany, said that seven months ago the family said goodbye to Shani’s soul and mourned her. With the return of the body, “a circle has now been closed”.

Family members mourn during Shani Louk's funeral

Family members mourn during Shani Louk’s funeral

Source: picture alliance/dpa/AP/Leo Correa

The Israeli army had already reported Louk’s death at the end of October. Ricarda Louk said at the time that a sliver of a skull bone had been found and a DNA sample had been taken with it. If you injured this inner skull bone, you would no longer be able to live, the mother said at the time. The parents had provided the authorities with the necessary DNA comparison material a long time ago. Part of the family lives in Baden-Württemberg.

The Islamist terrorist organization killed more than 1,200 people in its unprecedented massacre. Israeli hostages are still in the hands of Hamas.

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