Sexualized violence: Claus becomes the new abuse officer

Status: 03/30/2022 2:45 p.m

She has been involved in the fight against sexualized violence for many years: now the federal cabinet has appointed the journalist Kerstin Claus to the office of independent abuse officer.

On April 1, the journalist and political advisor Kerstin Claus took over the position of independent commissioner for questions relating to child sexual abuse. This was announced by Federal Family Minister Anne Spiegel after a cabinet meeting.

Claus was previously a member of the Independent Commissioner’s Council for Victims and sits on the National Council against Sexual Violence against Children and Young People. She works in political consulting on the subject of sexualised violence. Last year she ran for the Greens in the state elections in Rhineland-Palatinate.

processing in the evangelical church

The 52-year-old has experienced sexualised violence herself. The perpetrator was a Protestant pastor who was not prosecuted, but merely transferred. Claus is committed to the independent processing of sexualized violence, especially in the Protestant Church.

In the new office, she wants to “ignite the determination to act,” said Claus at a joint press conference with Minister for Family Affairs Spiegel. “We all have to protect children and young people better in order to recognize dangers or at least uncover abuse more quickly.” There is “not one patent recipe” for this.

“Especially Suitable Woman”

Targeted cooperation at all levels is necessary, according to Claus. She wants to strengthen cooperation between the federal government and the federal states and local authorities. Those affected should be involved in the countries. With their experience and knowledge, they would have advanced investigation and prevention in the past.

Spiegel said she was pleased that the federal government was able to recruit “an excellently qualified and particularly suitable woman” for the office in Claus. With a new law, she wants to further strengthen the work and independence of the commissioners, said the Green politician.

Nationwide campaign this year

Prevention, help and education should be strengthened, said Spiegel. She announced a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the issue.

The Office of the Independent Commissioner for Questions of Child Sexual Abuse is located at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. So far, Johannes-Wilhelm Rörig has been in charge, who, among other things, set up a review commission. At the end of February, Rörig ended his work in the office after more than ten years.

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